Template Shareholders Loan Agreement

A Shareholders Loan Agreement is an agreement between a shareholder and the company detailing the conditions on which the shareholder lends the company money.

Fit For

Most shareholder loan agreement relationships


No, but can be edited as needed


Prepared by an attorney with no less than 12 years post qualification experience

Benefits of our Template Shareholder Loan Agreement

FAQ's regarding our Template Shareholder Loan Agreement

Our Template Shareholder Loan Agreement allows for an inexpensive way in which most important aspects of a shareholder loan relationship are regulated, such as the amount to be loaned, interest to be paid and the duration of the loan, coupled with certain default mechanisms in the event that the company is unable to repay the loan amount.

The template is delivered to you in Word document format and is fully editable by you.

Our unique table at the start of the agreement will allow you to customise the Shareholders Loan Agreement to your needs.

Among others, the template Shareholders Loan Agreement will contain clauses related to the following:

  • The loan amount;
  • Release conditions;
  • Advance, interest and repayment provisions ;
  • Payment covenants;
  • Certificate of indebtedness;
  • And a lot more.