Template Services Agreement (SLA)

A Services Agreement (SLA) is an agreement between the provider of services and the client to which those services are provided to, and sets out the roles and obligations between those two parties.

Fit For

Most service provider relationships


No, but can be edited as needed


Prepared by an attorney with no less than 12 years post qualification experience

Benefits of our Template Services Agreement

FAQ's regarding our Template Services Agreement

Our template Services Agreement allows for an inexpensive way in which almost all aspects of how a Services Agreement may be regulated, by providing a unique table at the start of the Services Agreement which allows for you to customise parts of the agreement that you would like to include, exclude or vary.

Over many years of preparing Services Agreements, we have hand selected and included in this template the best possible provisions to efficiently and effectively manage the relationship between you and your clients when providing services to them.

The template is delivered to you in Word document format and is fully editable by you.

Our unique table at the start of the agreement will allow you to customise the Services Agreement to your needs.

Among others, the template Services Agreement contains clauses related to the following:

  • What services are to be provided;
  • What is the process to follow if these services, fees or delivery times were to change mid-contract;
  • During what times will the  services be provided (if applicable);
  • The start date and end date of the agreement (if applicable);
  • If a deposit is payable (if applicable);
  • What are the fees payable, and how they will be paid;
  • Provisions to ensure that any intellectual property created will remain yours;
  • The process and notice period to end the agreement (if applicable);
  • Confidentiality provisions;
  • Provisions preventing the client from “poaching” your staff;
  • Limitation of your liability and indemnifying yourself and company from liability;
  • Breach and dispute provisions;
  • And a lot more.