Template Profit Share Agreement

A Profit Share Agreement is used to record the specifics of how and when profit is divided between two parties and paid out to them.

Fit For

Most profit share relationships between two parties


No, but can be edited as needed


Prepared by an attorney with no less than 12 years post qualification experience

Benefits of our template Profit Share Agreement

FAQ's regarding our template Profit Share Agreement

A Profit Share Agreement and a Revenue Agreement are often confused.  The main difference between the two is that a Profit Share Agreement deals with a division of the profit of the business, with the expenses of the business being subtracted from revenue to arrive at the profit.

The template is delivered to you in Word document format and is fully editable by you.

Our unique table at the start of the agreement will allow you to customise the Profit Share Agreement to your needs.

Among others, the template Profit Share Agreement will contain clauses related to the following:

  • The Company and Partner’s details;
  • The effective date, termination date and term of the contract;
  • Information relating to the venture;
  • The Company’s and Partner’s services;
  • How profits will be split;
  • The Company’s and Partner’s expenses;
  • And a lot more.