Template PAIA Manual

A PAIA Manual is a document which sets out how, when and in what instances third parties are able to obtain access to a record held by an organisation.

Fit For

All South African organisations


No, but can be edited as needed


Prepared by an Attorney with no less than 12 years post qualification experience

Common benefits of our template PAIA Manual

FAQ's regarding our Template PAIA Manual

  • Standard provisions of the organisation’s contact details & PAIA head;
  • Reference South African Human Rights Commission Guide;
  • Standard provisions pertaining to what records may be voluntarily disclosed and automatic availability;
  • Standard provisions what records of the organisation that it makes available on request;
  • Standard provisions pertaining to the grounds for refusal of access to records;
  • Standard provisions pertaining to request procedures;
  • Standard provisions pertaining to when access to records will be approved;
  • Standard provisions pertaining to remedies if a request is refused; and
  • Standard provisions pertaining to fees chargeable for access to a record.

Both the POPI Act and the The Promotion of Access to Information Act (PAIA) require that all public bodies and certain private bodies put together a PAIA Manual.

You will need to have a PAIA Manual if:

  • You are a public body; or
  • You are a private company and:
    • have more than 50 employees and operates in one of the sectors mentioned below; or
    • have an annual turnover, in your industry or sector, equal or more than what has been set out below.
Sector / IndustryTurnover Threshold
AgricultureZAR6 million
Mining and QuarryingZAR22,5 million
ManufacturingZAR30 million
Electricity, Gas and WaterZAR30 million
ConstructionZAR15 million
Retail and Motor Trade and Repair ServicesZAR45 million
Wholesale Trade, Commercial Agents and Allied ServicesZAR75 million
Catering, Accommodation and other TradeZAR15 million
Transport Storage and CommunicationsZAR30 million
Finance and Business ServicesZAR30 million
Community, Special and Personal ServicesZAR15 million

The template is delivered to you in Word document format and is fully editable by you.

We would suggest that this only be used for companies with 5 or less employees. Although suitable for larger organisations, our custom solution would always be a better fit.