Template Website Privacy Policy

A website’s Privacy Policy lets the outside world know what Personal Information you collect from visitors to your website, and, importantly, the way in which such personal information is collected, stored, and shared. It is a legal requirement in terms of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI).

Fit For

All South African websites


No, but can be edited as needed

Prepared By

Prepared by an attorney of no less than 12 years post qualification experience

Benefits of our template Privacy Policy

Frequently asked questions

A website’s Privacy Policy lets the outside world know what Personal Information you collect from visitors to your website, and, importantly, the way in which such personal information is collected, stored, and shared. It’s mandatory in order to comply with the latest data protection laws, such as those laid out in the Promotion of Access to Information Act, the Protection of Personal Information Act, the Consumer Protection Act, and the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act.

One of the legal requirements is to gain a website user’s consent before collecting any Personal Information. A Privacy Policy enables websites to obtain this consent, by recording that the Privacy Policy has been read and agreed to.

  • Name;
  • Email;
  • Sex;
  • Age;
  • Physical address;
  • Phone number.

Our unique table at the start of the Privacy Policy will allow you to mold at least the following aspects, and a lot more, to suit your website’s needs:

      • Who you and your business are, as well as such contact details required by the ECT Act;
      • Specify what personal information you collect;
      • Specify what you do with such personal information;
      • Record your cookie policy (if known);
      • Specify whether you collect payments on your website, and if such payment details are retained; and
      • Specify whether you allow others to advertise on your website.

The collection, usage and sharing, of personal information is regulated primarily by the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013 (the “Act”). The Act has only recently been promulgated and is still in the process of being implemented.

Once the primary enforcement arm contemplated by the Act, the Information Regulator,  is appointed, all website owners and/or administrators will be required to register with it, in order to make public what Personal Information is being collected, and what it is being used for.

The Information Regulator will be empowered to enforce compliance with the Act, including lashings*, and the ability to conduct investigations in order to ascertain whether a website is lawfully processing a user’s Personal Information.

Failure to comply with the POPI Act by website owners and/or administrators may, in certain circumstances, result in criminal sanctions, penalties, and/or liability for damages.

The template is delivered to you in Word document format and is fully editable by you.