Your AI Attorney on demand
Experience the future of legal assistance with our ground-breaking AI Attorney Membership! Built on top of OpenAI, it offers a range of legal services to meet your business needs.
Join now with a 7 day free trial and see for yourself the power of legal artificial intelligence.
Unlimited General Legal Questions
answered by our AI Attorney
- Ask a legal question, and get an answer instantly by email from our AI Attorney
Unlimited Companies Act Questions
answered by our AI Attorney
- Ask a legal question related to the Companies Act 2008, and get an answer instantly by email from our AI Attorney
Unlimited POPIA Act Questions
answered by our AI Attorney
- Ask a legal question related to the POPI Act 2013, and get an answer instantly by email from our AI Attorney
Unlimited Employment Law Questions
answered by our AI Attorney
- Ask a legal question related to Employment / Labour Law and get an answer instantly by email from our AI Attorney
Unlimited Clauses Explained
by our AI Attorney
- If you don't understand a clause or clauses in a contract of yours, our AI Attorney will explain it
Unlimited questions answered
A more in-depth look
Unlimited general legal questions answered
by our AI Attorney.
Get the legal guidance you need at lightning speed with AI Attorney!
Our advanced artificial intelligence program has been trained on a vast dataset and can provide accurate answers to a wide range of legal questions.
No more wasting time scheduling meetings with Attorneys or struggling to understand complex legal materials – just ask our AI Attorney and get reliable answers right away.
Some real AI examples
Question: I entered into a contract with X to provide accounting services to me each month. For the last 4 months X has failed to provide most of these services to me. What options do I have?
Under South African law, you have a few options available to you. Firstly, you could seek to terminate the contract and sue for damages for breach of contract. In this case, you would need to prove that X failed to provide the services as agreed upon in the contract. Secondly, you could seek a court order for specific performance, which would require X to provide the services that were agreed upon.
Question: My personal information has been taken by a company without my consent, and is using it. What can I do?
Under South African law, you have the right to seek compensation for any damage caused by the misuse of your personal information. You may also be able to take legal action against the company for violating your privacy rights.
The first step is to contact the company directly and ask them to stop using your personal information. If they refuse, you can make a formal complaint to the Information Regulator. The Information Regulator is responsible for ensuring that personal information is used in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPI). The Information Regulator can investigate the company’s actions and take steps to ensure that your rights are respected.
If the company continues to misuse your personal information, you may wish to consider taking legal action. Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to take action under the POPI Act, or you may be able to pursue a claim for breach of privacy. You should seek legal advice to determine the best course of action for your particular situation.
FAQ's about our
AI answers to general legal questions
What types of legal questions can our AI Attorney help with?
Our AI Attorney is proficient at providing accurate and efficient answers to a variety of simple legal questions, including those related to basic legal concepts, common legal issues, and general legal knowledge
Can I rely on our AI Attorney for legal advice?
While our AI Attorney is a helpful resource for legal information and can be a useful supplement to the advice of a licensed lawyer, it is not intended to replace the expertise and guidance of a qualified professional. That said, its advanced technology enables it to comprehend and accurately respond to a wide range of legal questions, making it a convenient and efficient tool for obtaining information.
How accurate are the answers provided by AI Attorney to legal questions?
Our AI Attorney has been trained on a comprehensive dataset and is able to give accurate and reliable answers to a variety of legal questions. Its advanced technology enables it to comprehend and effectively address many legal matters.
How does our AI Attorney compare to consulting with a lawyer?
While consulting with a lawyer can provide tailored legal advice, AI Attorney offers a fast, convenient, and cost-effective option for obtaining answers to simple legal questions. Its advanced technology allows it to provide accurate and efficient legal information, making it a valuable resource for busy individuals and professionals.
Can I rely on AI Attorney for all of my legal needs?
While AI Attorney is a useful resource for legal information, it is not intended to serve as a replacement for legal representation. For more complex legal issues, it is always best to seek the advice of a licensed lawyer. However, for simpler legal questions, AI Attorney can provide fast, accurate, and convenient answers to help you make informed decisions.
Unlimited Companies Act questions answered
A more in-depth look
Unlimited Companies Act questions answered
by our AI Attorney.
In some instances more specific answers are required than what our general question and answer AI Attorney provides.
Our Companies Act AI Attorney is trained to answers questions specific to the Companies Act, 2008.
Some real AI examples
Question: How do I appoint a director to my company?
In order to appoint a director to your company, you must first ensure that the individual meets the requirements set out in section 66 of the Companies Act 2008. This section states that a director must be a natural person and of full legal capacity.
Once you have identified an individual who meets these criteria, you must then ensure that the individual is willing to accept the position. The individual must sign a written consent to act as a director and provide a copy of their identity document.
The company must then pass a shareholders resolution to appoint the individual as a director. The resolution must be recorded in the company‘s minutes and the individual‘s name must be entered into the company‘s register of directors.
You must then complete and submit Form CoR15.1A to the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC). This form must include the individual‘s name, identity number, and contact details.
Once the CIPC has approved the appointment, the individual can begin acting as a director.
Question: A fellow director is stealing funds from the company. What can I do?
If you have evidence that a fellow director is stealing funds from the company, you should immediately report the matter to the company‘s auditors and/or the South African Police Service. The Companies Act 2008 provides for the removal of a director who is guilty of misconduct or mismanagement of the company‘s affairs. The company‘s shareholders may also take action against the director by bringing a civil action against them for damages or other relief. The company‘s board of directors should also consider taking disciplinary action against the director, including suspension or dismissal. In addition, the company should take steps to protect its assets, such as freezing the director‘s bank accounts and other assets.
FAQ's about our
Companies Act Questions
How does this differ to our general legal questions answered by our AI Attorney service?
This model is trained on a dataset specific to the Companies Act 2008 and will provide answers which pertain to the Act only.
Unlimited POPIA Act (POPI) questions answered
A more in-depth look
Unlimited POPIA Act questions answered
by our AI Attorney.
Our POPI Act AI Attorney is trained to answers questions specific to the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013.
Some real AI examples
Question: I want to collect a name and an email address on a contact form on my website. What do I need to do to be compliant?
In order to be compliant with the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013, you must provide a clear and detailed privacy policy on your website outlining how you intend to process personal information collected from visitors. This policy should include:
1. A statement of purpose for collecting the personal information – i.e. why you need the information and how you intend to use it.
2. A description of the type of personal information you will be collecting. 3. How long you will retain the information.
4. A statement that visitors have the right to access and correct the information collected.
5. A statement that visitors have the right to opt out of having their information collected.
6. A statement that visitors have the right to object to the processing of their personal information.
7. A statement that you will take reasonable steps to protect the security of the personal information you collect.
8. A statement that you will not share the personal information with any third parties.
9. A statement that you will comply with the provisions of the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013.
You should also include a checkbox on the contact form to confirm that visitors have read and accepted your privacy policy.
Question: How do I register myself as an information officer?
In order to register yourself as an information officer, you must first meet the requirements of the Protection of Personal Information Act 2013. These requirements include:
1. Being a natural person who is a South African citizen or a permanent resident of South Africa;
2. Having at least five years‘ experience in the field of data protection, data privacy, information security or information technology;
3. Being able to demonstrate an understanding of the Act and its provisions;
4. Having a valid email address; and
5. Having a valid South African ID number.
Once you have met these requirements, you can register yourself as an information officer by completing the online application form on the Information Regulator‘s website ( You will need to provide the following information:
1. Your name, surname and ID number;
2. Your contact details such as email address, telephone number and physical address;
3. Your qualifications and experience in the field of data protection, data privacy, information security or information technology;
4. A copy of your South African ID; and
5. Any other relevant information.
Once you have submitted your application, the Information Regulator will review it and notify you of the outcome. If successful, you will be issued with an information officer certificate.
FAQ's about our
POPI Act Questions
How does this differ to our general legal questions answered by our AI Attorney service?
This model is trained on a dataset specific to the POPI Act 2013 and will provide answers which pertain to the Act only.
Unlimited Employment Law questions answered
A more in-depth look
Unlimited Employment Law questions answered
by our AI Attorney.
Our Employment Law AI Attorney is trained to answers questions specific to the Labour Relations Act 1995 and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 1997.
Some real AI examples
Question: How may I dismiss an employee?
In South Africa, an employer may dismiss an employee for a fair reason and after following a fair procedure. The Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 sets out the procedure for dismissal.
The employer must provide the employee with a written notice of the intention to dismiss, and the reasons for the dismissal. The employee must be given an opportunity to respond to the notice.
The employer must then consider the employee’s response and decide whether to proceed with the dismissal. If the employer decides to proceed with the dismissal, the employee must be given a written notice of dismissal.
The employer must also ensure that the dismissal is for a fair reason and that the procedure followed was fair. The employer must also consider any mitigating factors, such as the employee’s length of service, the employee’s performance record and the availability of alternative employment.
If the employee is dismissed for a reason other than misconduct, the employer must pay the employee severance pay. The amount of severance pay is determined by the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 75 of 1997.
In summary, an employer may dismiss an employee for a fair reason and after following a fair procedure. The employer must provide the employee with written notice of the intention to dismiss, and the reasons for the dismissal. The employer must also consider the employee’s response and any mitigating factors before proceeding with the dismissal. If the employee is dismissed for a reason other than misconduct, the employer must pay the employee severance pay.
Question: What is the process to have a disciplinary hearing conducted for an employee?
The process to have a disciplinary hearing conducted for an employee is as follows:
1. The employer must provide the employee with written notice of the alleged misconduct and the date, time and place of the disciplinary hearing.
2. The employee must be given a reasonable opportunity to prepare for the hearing.
3. The employer must provide the employee with a copy of any evidence that will be used against them at the hearing.
4. The employer must provide the employee with a reasonable opportunity to respond to the allegations and to present evidence in their defence.
5. The employer must allow the employee to be accompanied by a representative of their choice at the hearing.
6. The employer must provide the employee with a written decision following the hearing.
7. The employer must provide the employee with the right to appeal the decision.
It is important to note that the employer must ensure that the disciplinary hearing is conducted in a fair and reasonable manner. The employer must also ensure that the employee is given the opportunity to present their case and to respond to any allegations made against them.
FAQ's about our
Employment Law Questions
How does this differ to our general legal questions answered by our AI Attorney service?
This model is trained on a dataset specific to the Labour Relations Act 1995 and the Basic Conditions of Employment Act 1997 and will provide answers which pertain to these Acts only.
Unlimited clauses explained
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Unlimited clauses explained
by our AI Attorney.
Need help understanding the terms in your contracts? Let our AI Attorney be your guide!
Our advanced artificial intelligence technology can quickly and accurately explain the meaning of clauses in contracts and legal document, saving you time and frustration.
No more struggling to make sense of confusing legalese – just ask our AI Attorney for clear, easy-to-understand explanations.
Some real AI examples
Clause: The eiusdem generis rule is not to be applied in the interpretation of such specific examples or general words
The eiusdem generis rule is a legal principle that states that when a list of specific examples is followed by general words, the general words should be interpreted to include only things of the same kind as the specific examples.
For example, if a contract states that “no pets are allowed, including cats, dogs, and other animals,” the eiusdem generis rule would mean that the general words “other animals” would be interpreted to include only animals similar to cats and dogs, such as rabbits, hamsters, and guinea pigs.
In this contract, the eiusdem generis rule is not to be applied, which means that the general words should not be interpreted to include only things of the same kind as the specific examples. This means that if the contract states that “no pets are allowed, including cats, dogs, and other animals,” the general words “other animals” could include any type of animal, not just animals similar to cats and dogs.
Clause: The provisions of this Agreement shall be subject to, and will take effect and become operative only upon, the fulfilment or waiver of the following Suspensive Conditions by the Long Stop Date:
This clause of the contract is saying that certain conditions must be met before the contract can become effective. The “Long Stop Date“ is the date by which all the conditions must be met. For example, if the contract is for the sale of a house, the suspensive conditions might include the buyer obtaining a loan from the bank and the seller obtaining a clearance certificate from the local municipality. The Long Stop Date is the date by which the buyer must have obtained the loan and the seller must have obtained the clearance certificate. If either of these conditions are not met by the Long Stop Date, the contract will not become effective.
FAQ's about our
AI clause explanations
How can our AI Attorney assist with understanding the clauses in my contract?
Our AI Attorney’s advanced language processing capabilities enable it to provide fast and accurate explanations of the meaning of clauses in contracts. Its clear, easy-to-understand explanations will help you fully grasp the terms of your contract and make informed decisions.
Can you rely on our AI Attorney to explain the clauses in my contract?
Our AI Attorney is a highly advanced language processing tool that is capable of providing reliable and accurate explanations of contract clauses. Its advanced technology allows it to comprehend complex legal language and provide clear, easy-to-understand explanations, making it a valuable resource for understanding the terms of your contract. While it is always a good idea to consult with a licensed lawyer for personalized legal guidance, AI Attorney can be a useful supplement to traditional legal services and help you make informed decisions about your contract.
How accurate are our AI Attorney's explanations of contract clauses?
Our AI Attorney is highly accurate and reliable in its explanations of contract clauses. Its advanced technology enables it to comprehend and accurately interpret complex legal language, ensuring that its explanations are accurate and trustworthy. With the help of AI Attorney, you can have confidence in your understanding of the terms of your contract and make informed decisions.
How does our AI Attorney compare to consulting with a lawyer about contract clauses?
In many cases, using AI Solicitor to understand contract clauses can be more convenient, cost-effective, and efficient than consulting with a lawyer. Its advanced technology enables it to rapidly and accurately provide reliable explanations of contract clauses, saving you time and resources.
Why Legal Legends?
How we are not the traditional archaic law firm
At Legal Legends, we know that traditional corporate legal services can be outdated and frustrating, with hourly rates that are often unclear and bills that add up for every communication and meeting. In addition, the expenses of custom stationery, lavish offices, and expensive coffee can be passed on to the client. And trying to reach a lawyer can be a challenge! That’s why we founded Legal Legends – to provide a better option for growing South African businesses.
But we’re not just any law firm – we aim to be the future of law. That’s why we’ve fully embraced AI-powered legal services to revolutionise the way legal assistance is provided.
Our lawyers are some of the best in the field, but with the power of artificial intelligence on our team, we’re able to take our services to a whole new level. No more outdated hourly rates or frustrating delays – just efficient, cost-effective legal assistance that gets results.
If you’re ready to experience the power of an AI-powered law firm, turn to Legal Legends and see the difference for yourself!
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FAQ's about our
AI Membership
Do you get a free trial?
Yes, by signing up you have access to a 7 day free trial to test out our AI Solicitor.
If you don’t want to continue after the trial, you can cancel before you pay anything
Can I cancel at any time?
Yes, it is a month to month contract and you can cancel at any time.
How does our membership differ to ChatGPT?
Although both ChatGPT and our AI Attorney are both built on the OpenAI infrastructure, we inject alot of important information and prompts which prime the OpenAI system to provide a South African specific answer, considering the correct South African legislation and other considerations, without pulling in irrelevant, incorrect or foreign data.
What some of our clients say
Ryan Bond
Founder of Diamant Classique
Thank you for your continued efforts. Wish I had contacted you from the onset. I will be sure to do so for any future projects.
Ian Fourie
Founder of Pluto Education
Legal Legends has provided me with the experience and expertise needed to get my company on its feet and in the right legal direction.
Dane Pretorius
Founder of Visa Assist
I am really impressed by the excellent service. I will be sure to refer your firm to everyone I know!
Hank Coetzee
CTO of Octobase
Kyle and his team are nothing but a pleasure to deal with. They are professional, transparent, no-nonsense, street-smart, and efficient. I cannot recommend Legal Legends highly enough.
Rann Morell
Founder of Antler Coffee
It is not often you come across a company with great service. And these guys tick all the boxes. So happy to have used Legal Legends, and will use them in the future.